Humanist Society of Santa Barbara
Minutes of the Board Meeting of November 14th, 2017
Home of Mary Wilk Host: Judy
Board members present: Roger Schlueter, Mary Wilk, Judy Flattery, David Echols, Suzanne Spillman, Neal Faught, Pat Ward, Wayne Beckman, Diane Krohn
Board members absent: Clover Brodhead Gowing
Visitors: Nan Cisney
- Call to Order: Roger called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
- Secretary’s Report: Suzanne Spillman
- The October minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: Neal Faught
- Neal presented budget pages showing the breakout of dining income and expenses.
- Action Item: Roger asked if Neal would generate monthly reports (cash flow YTD and running 12-month).
- Programs: Roger Schlueter
- Roger said that speakers have been identified for the remaining of our fiscal year with January and March locked in.
- Roger expressed some concern about our November speaker, Brian Dunning, whose flight to Santa Barbara was arriving after our meeting started. Roger was trying to contact him to resolve this issue, but as of the time of our Board meeting, had been unable to reach him. He said he would notify the Board with the outcome once he is able to make contact with Mr. Dunning.
- Publicity: David Echols
- EdHat has raised rates from $10 a day to $25 a day effective December 1, 2017. He suggested that we stop using Edhat for publicity, or running fewer ads with them.
- Davidwas unable to locate the current ad he placed on Edhat and is trying to resolve this with his contact with them. He asked Neal not to pay the bill for Edhat until this is resolved.
- David also suggested we consider running a weekly ad in the Independent instead of using Edhat.
- Social:
- Details for the winter solstice party were discussed.
- A sign-up sheet for the party will require payment at the time of signing up.
- Neal volunteered to be the person at the door to check names off the list.
- Membership: Mary Wilk
- No Report
- Newsletter: Judy Flattery
- No Report
- Webmaster: Wayne Beckman
- No Report
- President: Roger Schlueter
- Roger has been talking to Tracy at Valle Verde about holding our monthly meetings there. He mentioned that parking could be a problem since street parking is not permitted and our members would have to park at an off-site lot and take a shuttle to the meeting room. It was agreed that we would try Valle Verde for our January meeting.
- Action Item: Roger will talk to Jake and Tracy at Valle Verde to notify them our intentions. He will also make an announcement to the members at our November meeting and mention the parking situation.
- Old Business
- Neal announced that we have not made a donation to Vista Del Monte’s scholarship fund for the past two years. No decision was made as to when we might make another donation.
- Research needs to be done as to whether or not coffee and tea service before our meetings will be available if we no longer have dinners there.
- New Business
- An accounting of members who could host future speakers was made. Currently Anne Rojas, the Palonens and Clover have offered to be hosts.
- Diane said she would make an announcement at Saturday’s meeting about the LogiCal-LA
event taking place in Los Angeles in February. This is also being mentioned in our
- Nan suggested that we try out a different arrangement for the chair placement in the meeting room at Vista Del Monte; something she thought would offer more congeniality at the meetings. Roger will ask the facility manager to set up the chairs in the arrangement Nan has suggested.
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
- The next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the home of Mary Wilk.
- The host will be Suzanne.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Spillman, HSSB Secretary
November 22, 2017