Dec 20, 2020 at 10:35 PM
2021 Newsletters
2021 Newsletters
Posted in Newsletters, 2021.
The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic.Charles Darwin
2021 Newsletters
I will be moving up to the Central Coast soon and want to connect with other humanist in my area.
I enjoy volunteering and being outdoors.
Carpe diem,
@Debbie : Welcome to the Central Coast! We'd love to have you participate with us. Please send me your contact info and I'll add you to our distribution list. Also , please join us next Saturday at 3pm on Zoom for our June 19 speaker meeting ( And, if you care to become a member, we are having a Members Only picnic at Tucker's Grove Park on Sunday July 25.
I am Judy Flattery, the president of the society and would love to gt to know you better. We have several volunteer opportunities available. What kinds of volunteer work interest you? Here is my email:
[email protected]