Humanist Society of Santa Barbara
Minutes of the Board Meeting February 11th, 2020
Home of Mary Wilk Host: David
Board members present: Mary Wilk, David Echols, Judy Flattery, Diane Krohn, Wayne Beckman, Clover Brodhead Gowing and Neal Faught.
Board members absent: Nan Cisney.
Visitors: Judy Fontana.
- Welcome/Call to Order: Judy Flattery
- Judy called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m.
- Open Action Items to be covered in specific sections.
- Memorable HSSB moments: Judy asked members to think about these for the 25th Anniversary celebration. Neal suggested that someone put together an archival collection. Diane volunteered to start doing this.
- Secretary’s Report: Diane Krohn
- The January 2020 meeting minutes were approved.
- Action Item: Judy and Diane to meet and work on Speaker’s Packet and Ops Manual. They will plan to meet sometime next week. The Speaker’s Packet to include locations, length of talk time and time for questions; and remove honorariums.
- Treasurer’s Report: Neal Faught
- Nonprofit status update: Judy has not heard from Roger.
- Action Item: Update on 501 (c) (3) status from Roger: Neal emailed Roger about an update and Roger said it would be done by the weekend, but Neal has not gotten any further update. Neal will continue to remind Roger about this.
- Treasurer report: Neal sent out the HSSB Budget Evaluation as a first shot and expects to refine it a bit. The Science Camp contribution was discussed with respect to promotion of a non-profit by a non-profit. Should we replenish if we cannot if we are not a tax-deductible organization? It is our intention that the $1245 will be donated to MOXI or equivalent science organization or camp.
- Dining expenses were discussed. Valle Verde has not charged us for all the meals but this has been brought to their attention.
- Solstice party: Judy explained the reason for the cost due to the additional number of attendees.
- The Accounting for Non-Profits class at SBCC was cancelled. Judy will try again if it is offered again.
- Programs: Board:
- January meeting: Many heard many good comments about the program and speaker (Horus Wu and self-driving cars).
- February meeting: Melissa Krawczyk is coming up from LA. We will pay for dinner for her and her two children.
- Door prize: Richard Dawkins DVD and possiby other items from Melissa.
- Dave Flattery is preparing a short presentation on statistical analysis of n-Corona virus.
- March meeting will be the 2nd Saturday in March instead of the 3rd Board meeting will move to March 10.
- Future speakers: Refer to Agenda.
- There was discussion of having a joint meeting with the Unitarian Society and Live Oak for our May speaker.
- JPL trip: No date yet. April spots for “public groups of 20 or more” are already filled. We will try for May, June, July, etc. David estimated that the cost would be about $60 for transportation.
- Publicity: David Echols
- Facebook ad: Judy will do this. David has been able to get the flyers out for this month.
- Google groups seems to be working out well.
- Action Item: Roger: Status of the Freethinkers Meetup group that he adopted. Do they want to become HSSB members? No update. Judy had no response from Roger.
- Activities: Clover Brodhead Gowing and Judy Fontana
- February dinner: Judy Fontana has volunteered to coordinate this for this month.
- Summer Solstice picnic reservation at Stow Grove Park is for June 13th. This date is chosen so it will not be in conflict with the Solstice parade. Judy reserved for the whole day. Anne Rojas has asked to use Cody’s for the caterer for the picnic. The cost was determined to be $15 per person. Judy Flattery suggested having the 25th anniversary party combined with the Winter Solstice party.
- Membership: Mary Wilk
- Current membership: 130.
- Change in dues and paying at meetings: Implementation in July? When do we communicate the change? Mary suggested that we have the “couple” membership set up proportional to the single membership, to $75/couple. Motion by Wayne to revise membership to $45/single; $75 /couple; seconded by Neal; voted in. Student membership to remain the same as will donor membership.
- Newsletter: Judy Flattery
- Webmaster: Wayne Beckman
- President: Judy Flattery
- Old Business:
- Action Items covered in specific relevant sections.
- New Business:
- March meeting dinner? Judy Flattery will ask Ed and Mary Taylor and Mary Jo Reilly if they could help with the dinners. Should we suspend dinners for the time? There was discussion about having wine and “small bites” right after the meeting. Judy Fontana will explore this with Valle Verde. Judy Fontana suggested that this can be funded with a tip jar at the table.
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
- The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 10th at 5:30 p.m. at Mary’s house. This is due to the Saturday meeting on the 2nd Saturday of the month instead of the 3rd
- The host will be Clover.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Krohn; March 10, 2020