Philosophical Organizations Resources
The Secular Web
The Internet Infidels resource center for information about a naturalistic worldview.
American Humanist Association
An umbrella organization for organizations like the Humanist Society of Santa Barbara
Center for Inquiry West
Promotes critical thinking, headquarters for Committe for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
British Humanist Association
The BHA exists to promote Humanism and support and represent people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs.
Council For Secular Humanism, an umbrella organization that HSSB is a member of. It is affiliated with the Center For Inquiry
Humanity Plus
Group interesting in expanding human capability by technology like genetic engineering or computer technology
World Pantheist Movement
The aims of this movement are to make available the ideas of natural/scientific pantheism as an alternative to theistic beliefs, with celebrants available to honor life�s passages in a natural form.